Happy 73rd birthday to the NHS!

Today, Monday July 5, marks the NHS’ 73rd birthday!

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The coronavirus pandemic means that the NHS has been through a year like no other. Hospitals have cared for around 400,000 seriously ill COVID patients, including more than 100,000 admitted in January alone, along with millions more besides.

The NHS has seen boundless support and love from our staff, local communities, organisations and businesses, charities, volunteers, governors, and more! The birthday is a time to celebrate the achievements, reflect on the last year and remember those we have sadly lost.

Dr Nick Broughton, Chief Executive, said:

“Monday, July 5, marks the NHS’ 73rd birthday – it has been a hugely challenging year for the NHS, one with sacrifice but also hope and support. Whilst the NHS has cared for patients it has also rolled out the biggest vaccination programme in health service history, the fastest in Europe and most precise in the world.

“The Oxford Health family has been a big part of this – caring for COVID-19 patients and delivering vaccinations, providing excellent care and keeping those in our communities safe.

“I am extremely proud of how hard Oxford Health staff have worked showing such dedication and compassion. Today, we celebrate the NHS’ birthday – our achievements and support it provides all year round to our communities, being there when they need it most. Happy birthday to the NHS and a big thank you to every member of staff helping to make a difference!”

From all in the Oxford Health family, Happy Birthday! We have recorded some special messages, just for you.

The NHS Big Tea, hosted by NHS Charities Together, is a chance to celebrate the NHS and its birthday – recognising our dedicated staff who go above and beyond for those they care for, including our loved ones.

The Oxford Health family are encouraged to take a break and have a cuppa – to chat with colleagues, enjoy a walk in a green space or contact someone they care about. Oxford Health Charity have sent refreshment packs to over 180 teams, cupcakes have been delivered to Abingdon Community Hospital and Witney Community Hospital are having a socially distanced garden party, following all COVID-19 guidelines.

So, today, we raise a cuppa to all the NHS staff, volunteers and anyone else who provides support. We thank all Oxford Health staff for their extraordinary efforts and endless compassion, this one’s for you – it isn’t easy to put into words how grateful we all are for what you do.

If you would like to donate to NHS Charities Together for the NHS Big Tea, please text ‘Tea’ to 70207 to give £5.

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Published: 5 July 2021