Have your say on the Autism Peer Support Worker Capability Framework and Curriculum

The framework and curriculum are being developed by autistic people and health and care organisations

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A national capability framework and curriculum for health and care organisations employing autistic people as peer support workers in services for autistic people is being developed.

The Autism Peer Support Capability Framework and Curriculum is being created to assist health and care organisations across the country who are developing new NHS autism services to understand how peer support roles can add value to their teams and services.

Oxford Health has been commissioned to develop the capability framework and curriculum by Health Education England and is working in partnership with Autism Oxford UK, Autism Champions, Sussex Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes Hypermobility Disorders (SEDS) CIC, Resolve, National Autistic Society, and a co-production group of experts by experience. The work builds on national engagement work undertaken by Skills for Care to identify what skills autistic people think Autism Peer Support Workers should have.

The capability framework is being designed to help employers understand what skills and abilities are needed by Autism Peer Support Workers. It will apply principally to formal paid roles that deliver NHS-funded autism services. The curriculum is a tool that will help training providers to design training programmes that ensure trainees gain knowledge of the capabilities and how to use them.

The capability framework and curriculum may also be helpful to organisations in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector that want to offer high quality autism peer support services.

Take a look at the documents below and share your feedback on the capability framework and curriculum.

The survey will close on Friday, May 6 2022.

UPDATE: The documents and survey links have been removed as the survey is now closed.

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Published: 22 April 2022