Hurry up! Nominations close on March 31

There's just one week left of the nomination period to election to our Council of Governors. We have 13 vacancies across the counties for residents, carers, patients and staff. Put yourself forward now!

Image related to Hurry up! Nominations close on March 31

Our governors bring the views, interests and concerns of their constituencies – local people, patients, carers and Trust staff – to the heart of the Trust’s decision making. As a governor you will work our Board of Directors to help improve your local services and Oxford Health as a place work.

Nominate yourself online at

If you would like a hard copy or an easy read nomination form, please contact the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson.

Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Text: Text 2FT OF and your name and address to 88802
Post: Civica Election Services, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW

Nominations close at 5pm on Thursday, March 31.


We have the 13 vacancies in this year’s elections in the following seats:

Constituency Class Vacancies
Public Oxfordshire 4
Patient Service Users – Buckinghamshire and other counties 1
Patient Carers 2
Staff Buckinghamshire Mental Health Services 1
Staff Oxfordshire, Banes, Swindon & Wiltshire Mental Health Services 1
Staff Community Services 2
Staff Specialised Services 2

Become of member of Oxford Health

membership adIn order to stand as a candidate and vote in our governor elections, you must be a member of the Trust. Membership is free and carries no obligations; you can get involved as much as you like.

In order to be able to vote this year, you must become a member by March 31.  Sign up here.

Candidate’s FAQ

Governor elections - candidate FAQTo help you make up your mind, we have compiled answers to some of the common questions our candidates may have. Take a look at the  Candidate’s FAQ here.

Election enquiries

The elections are run independently from the Trust by an external company Civica. If you have questions about the nominations, please contact the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson.

Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Text: Text 2FT OF and your name and address to 88802
Post: Civica Election Services, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW

You can also contact our membership team at

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Published: 24 March 2022