Immunisation dates: Nasal flu vaccines for 68,000 Oxfordshire children

Find out what schools our immunisers are visiting and get your youngsters protected

Image related to Immunisation dates: Nasal flu vaccines for 68,000 Oxfordshire children

Our school nurses are on a mission: to vaccinate more than 68,000 children in Oxfordshire against the flu in just 10 weeks.

Oxford Health has a team of just 35 immunisers who will be visiting 358 schools ensuring that as many children from reception classes through to Year 7 are protected from the virus – and importantly don’t become super-spreaders.

The school nursing team will also be reaching out to parents of home schooled youngsters, numbers of whom have rocketed since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. And, aside from primary and secondary schools, the team will be protecting the health of youngsters in special schools.

You can see our flu immunisation school visit dates here

Protection against the influenza virus is administered via a nasal spray – a quick and painless method. A few children may need a second dose of the flu immunisation or may need an injection because the nasal spray is not suitable.

All our immunisers will be wearing PPE to protect themselves against COVID-19 and to protect the children.

Parental consent forms are being sent out by schools  but if you have not completed a form, please click on the following link

A guide to completing the on line consent form is available here. A list of school codes is listed here.

If you are having any difficulty with completing the online consent form, please contact your nearest school health nurse office listed on our website here and they will assist or call the Immunisation Team Office on 07920 254400.

Children educated at home in this age group are also eligible for the vaccine: please contact to arrange a clinic appointment.

Preschool children over 2 years old will be offered the immunisation by their GP surgery.

If there are any questions you have about the immunisation programme please visit our special webpages here where you will find a host of information and frequently asked questions.

Fiona Singleton, Oxford Health’s Immunisation Team Leader  for the School Nursing Service, said: “Please make sure your children are protected. For  most children flu is often a mild illness, but they are seen as the greatest spreaders of flu to their families and  communities. Older adults or those with long term health conditions can become really poorly when they catch flu.  With Covid 19 circulating it is more important this year to protect children against flu.

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Published: 8 October 2020