Joy for Jules who wins November’s Exceptional People Individual Award

Intensive Interaction Specialist Care Coordinator for Oxfordshire Learning Disabilities Jules McKim wins November’s Exceptional People Individual Award – an outstanding and inspirational team member who changes lives.

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Pictured above at the presentation are Clinical Psychologist Learning Disabilities Julie Elsworth, Trust Chair David Walker, Consultant Lead Clinical Psychologist Learning Disabilities Emma Drane, Intensive Interaction Specialist Care Coordinator for Oxfordshire Learning Disabilities Jules McKim, Lead Governor Anna Gardner and Chief Executive Grant Macdonald.

For over 13 years Jules has provided hope and positive change to the emotional and psychological wellbeing of many adults with complex learning disabilities, whilst connecting with and helping those who love and support them.

Oxfordshire Learning Disabilities service supports adults to maintain good mental and physical health. Within this service, the Intensive Interaction Service supports people with complex learning disabilities. The team works with people for a short and focused period, providing support through specialist assessment, intervention, care and support strategies – working closely with service users, their carers and families, and a range of partners. By aiming to enhance individuals’ quality of life, the aim of the team is to reduce unnecessary admissions to assessment and treatment units or prevent changes to people’s residential arrangements.

The team’s exceptional patient care has a significant positive impact on those who need it most.

Jules’ vital role supports those with complex learning disabilities to develop and strengthen their relationships with others. He enables people to connect with others at their own level and in keeping with their own communication and relational abilities and preferences, having enormous benefits to wellbeing and quality of life.

Jules increases the likelihood that families and paid carers understand and using his professional recommendations for supporting service users by providing this guidance in several formats, including in video format which is a pioneering innovation nationally.

Jules is considered an excellent role model and regularly receives feedback on his inspirational training, workshops and presentations from the people receiving and learning from them. He is always there to lend a helping hand, supporting others to develop their intensive interaction skills, contributing to a more compassionate and knowledgeable approach.

Jules recently presented to Oxford Health’s board, an important opportunity for the voices and stories of those with complex learning disabilities to be heard.

The nomination

Jules was nominated by Consultant Lead Clinical Psychologist for Oxfordshire Learning Disability Services Emma Drane. His nomination is for his invaluable contribution to the service and his unwavering commitment to the patients and those who take care of them.

Emma commented:

“Jules is an exceptional member of the Learning Disabilities psychology service as he has almost single-handedly provided a high quality, person centred, countywide service to people with significant disabilities since 2010.

“His clinical skills include work with extremely complex individuals, their families and their support systems. He is as skilful at interacting with individuals as he is presenting to large audiences. He has shown unfailing commitment to service users and to Intensive Interaction as an approach and has raised awareness of Intensive Interaction, and the needs of people who might benefit from it, across all levels of the Trust.

“In addition to his work with individual service users and their families/support systems, he has continually evaluated and developed the Intensive Interaction service, as well as contributing both locally and nationally to the Intensive Interaction field (including: facilitating a regional support group, publishing articles and book chapters (alone and with others), and chairing and presenting at national (and international) conferences.”

Intensive Interaction Specialist Care Coordinator for Oxfordshire Learning Disabilities Jules McKim said: “Intensive Interaction makes such a fantastic difference to so many lives so it is wonderful that my contribution to this has been recognised and celebrated.”

Lead Governor Anna Gardner added: “As a governor this gives me a fantastic opportunity to get an insight into the outstanding work that individuals in the teams do day in and day out.

“I was particularly delighted to have the opportunity to present this award to Jules McKim whose outstanding contribution to adults with complex learning disabilities is transforming lives.”

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Published: 16 January 2024