National Surveys – helping us to improve services

Oxford Health is urging people to take part in two national surveys in a bid to help it to develop its community mental health services.

Image related to National Surveys – helping us to improve services

The Trust has volunteered to take part in two national survey programmes and is encouraging people to complete the survey if they are randomly selected and sent a survey in the post or via SMS text message.

Both surveys are being commissioned by the Care Quality Commission – the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Taking part in either of the surveys is voluntary, all responses are confidential, and the results of the survey do not allow any individuals to be identified.

There is support available for completing the survey which is detailed in the information that will come with the survey.

Jane Kershaw, Head of Quality Governance, who leads on experience and involvement at the Trust said “We really need to hear from more patients, service users and their families to be able to develop and improve the services we provide. From the last national survey, we took actions around supporting patients with employment/ volunteering and focused on physical healthcare needs.

“Your views about the care you receive are very important to us and we use these to identify and make changes to improve services.

“Please take the time to tell us what you think because we do use the information to make changes.”

In addition to the national surveys the Trust regularly uses a range of ways to understand what it is like to experience its services.

You can always give your feedback via our local survey, I Want Great Care available on-line here or if you would prefer a paper survey you can ask the member of staff you see or contact the experience and involvement team at 01865 903484 or The survey is organised by an independent company so the results are confidential and anonymous.

Details about the national surveys

The first national survey is running from 28th September to early December 2021, it is a pilot to test the delivery of the national survey being on-line rather than only by post. The Trust has volunteered to take part alongside 20 other Mental Health Trusts. 700 service users have been randomly selected to be sent the on-line survey via SMS text message and also by letter. The company coordinating the survey is Ipsos MORI and if service users have any queries or need help to complete the survey they can contact the company on or through the freephone helpline – 0800 124 4878. We should receive the results in spring 2022.

The second national survey is running from mid-February to early June 2022. This is the usual national annual survey for 2022 and will be delivered by postal survey only. 1,250 service users will be randomly sent this survey. If you do not want to receive the survey please contact the Experience and Involvement Team on 01865 903484 or and we will contact the national team to remove your name from the people that can be randomly selected to receive the survey. We should receive the results in summer 2022.

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Published: 27 October 2021