New self-management course launched for people affected by bipolar

The courses are being launched by Oxfordshire's Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs with Bipolar UK

Image related to New self-management course launched for people affected by bipolar

People with bipolar are to be supported to keep themselves well and healthy at Oxfordshire Keystone Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs.

From June, people affected by bipolar will have the opportunity to get together and share their experiences in a safe environment as well as learn techniques and skills they can use to support their own wellbeing.

The self-management courses are being delivered by Bipolar UK in partnership with Cardiff University.

And they will be based at Oxfordshire’s ground-breaking new Keystone Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs opening up in town centres and communities across the county.

The hubs, the first of which was opened by Frank Bruno at Oxford Stadium in Oxford late last year, support adults experiencing mental health challenges to thrive among friends, family and their community, drawing on support from the hubs which are linked to their local GP surgeries, NHS mental health services, and third-sector mental health organisations such as Bipolar UK.

The Bipolar UK bipolar self-management courses will run over seven weeks and groups will be kept small. There will be at least two facilitators managing the course throughout.

The courses will begin in June.

Oxford: Monday 5 June; 6pm to 7.30pm. Sign up at

Abingdon: Wednesday 7 June; 12pm to 1.30pm. Sign up at

As part of the course people will learn:

  • Introduction to Bipolar – diagnosis, lifestyle, and common challenges
  • Managing mood swings, using a reflective journal, mood app or mood scale,
  • Medication how to get a medication review.
  • Lifestyle, routines and sleep hygiene, nutrition, session to include nutritionist.
  • Managing Triggers
  • Crisis planning – when things breakdown, using advanced statements
  • Family and friends’ session
  • Bringing it together – reflective end session, tool kit completion

A service-user who previously took part in the Bipolar UK course said: “I found the Bipolar UK self-management course very helpful. Although I have known of my bipolar 2 diagnosis for 20 years, this is the first time I have ever attended a course dedicated to bipolar. The information about the different types of bipolar, ways of managing the highs and the lows, different types of medication and therapy and their impacts/benefits was all very helpful. The three people running the course were very informative, the course was well structured with clear and easy-to-follow slide presentations. I had quite a few ‘ah ha’ moments, where the ‘penny dropped’ and the opportunity to ask really specific questions was great.”

Mental health nurse Beth Morphy, Abingdon hub manager, said: “Adults who use mental health services said they would like to see more specialist care available locally. By bringing Bipolar UK’s self-management course to the Keystone hubs we are offering expert mental health advice and support for people in their communities. It is an exciting opportunity to help people to live well with a long-term condition such as bipolar.”

Camilla Leach, partnership development manager at Bipolar UK, said: “By working closely with leading clinicians, we can deliver these courses to a very high level. Our mission is to empower people to live well with the condition and fulfil their potential and we do this by bringing people together to share experiences and approaches to self-management and provide moral support and encouragement on what can sometimes be a very lonely journey.”

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Published: 10 May 2023