No X-ray service in Abingdon after 5pm on June 30th

There will be no X-ray service at Abingdon Minor Injury Unit after 5pm on June 30th.

Image related to No X-ray service in Abingdon after 5pm on June 30th

Assessment of potential injuries can still take place but patients may be asked to return the next day or be directed to other locations.

If you require assistance, please call 111 in the first instance, or the unit number, prior to your visit. The unit can advise you on whether your recent injury is suitable for the service. You will be offered a time slot based on your clinical need. You will be seen as close to this time as possible. However, there could be a delay given the urgent nature of the service.

For all other available MIU’s with X-ray services click here



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Published: 29 June 2022