Online workshops for carers in Bucks – book now

Three FREE workshops coming up in the new year - booking essential

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Following the success of the Autumn seminars, Oxford Health Carer Assessment team in Buckinghamshire is offering further online workshops in the new year.

The workshops are provided for carers of service users who are currently under the care of Bucks Mental Health Teams. There are three events coming up under the theme ‘Living Together.’

Upcoming seminars

The workshops will run from 10am to12 noon on Microsoft Teams and cover the following topics:

Improving Wellbeing for Carers – Thursday 14 January 2021Cover of the Bucks carers workshop leaflet

Trainer: Tania Emiliou

The phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is a good example of why it is so important for those who care for others, to really think about their own self-care. Stress, anxiety and low mood is a common difficulty, particularly amongst those caring for someone else. It’s important to know there is lots of support and things that can be done to work through those feelings. This session will look at understanding and learning strategies to manage your physical and mental wellbeing.

Understanding Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Harming Behaviours – Thursday 11 February 2021

Trainer: Karen Lascelles

Self-harm does not inevitably lead to an act of suicide but people who self-harm may also struggle with suicidal thoughts. This session will seek to explain the differences and links between self-harm and thoughts of suicide and offer strategies for dealing with both.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts yourself we do not advise attendance at this session but urge you to seek support from your GP, mental health team or via the Mental Health Helpline NHS 111.

Exploring Change and Recovery – Wednesday 10th March 2021

Trainer: Robert Corteen

How do people change behaviours and what is involved in the process? How do people recover and what does recovery actually mean in the mental health context? This session will examine what it means to recover from mental illness from the point of view of both the cared for person and the carer. This two-hour session will highlight the important aspects of this subject and give participants the opportunity to ask questions.

Book now

The workshops are provided for carers of service users who are currently under the care of Bucks Mental Health Teams. Due to the high demand, new carers will be given priority to attend the online seminars.

You can apply by emailing with your name, telephone number and the course(s) you would like to attend. Written email confirmation will be sent to you with joining instructions for the online session(s) you wish to attend.

See the carers leaflet for further information.

Alternatively, or if you have any questions, please contact the Oxford Health Carer Assessment Team on 01865 901513.

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Published: 22 December 2020