Opportunity in Witney for 16 and 17 year olds to get protected against COVID-19 – Monday 23 August to Thursday 26 August

From Monday 23 August anyone aged 16 or 17 can receive a dose of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine at a walk-in clinic in Witney Town Shop, 3 Welch Way, Witney OX28 6JH.

Image related to Opportunity in Witney for 16 and 17 year olds to get protected against COVID-19 – Monday 23 August to Thursday 26 August

The Pfizer walk-in clinic will be open on the following dates and times:

  • Monday 23 August (10am to 7.30pm)
  • Tuesday 24 August, Wednesday 25 August and Thursday 26 August (9.30am to 7.30pm).

No appointment is necessary to allow people aged 16 or 17 to have a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.  People may be asked to show proof of age. Parental consent is not required.

The centre is the result of partnership working between Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and West Oxfordshire District Council who, last month, set up a similar centre for adults in the same location.

Tehmeena Ajmal, Covid Operations Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I would urge young people aged 16 and 17 to attend the walk-in clinic in Witney to keep themselves and their family safe.”

Michele Mead, Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council added: “The walk-in clinics have proved very successful in West Oxfordshire and we are pleased to offer Council premises and to work closely with our health colleagues to set these up quickly to react to the needs of our community. Ultimately, attending this walk-in centre will make West Oxfordshire safer for us all.”

People who attend the walk-in clinic for a jab will have their vaccination record updated online. Current JCVI guidelines indicate no second dose for healthy 16 and 17 year olds is required.

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Published: 20 August 2021