Opportunity – Post-doctoral clinical nurse, midwife, or allied health professional (NMAHP)

Post-doctoral clinical nurse, midwife, or allied health professional (NMAHP) 0.5FTE position for 1 year

Image related to Opportunity – Post-doctoral clinical nurse, midwife, or allied health professional (NMAHP)

The NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH-BRC) working with Oxford Health Foundation Trust (OHFT) would like to invite expressions of interest from staff who hold a PhD and are keen to undertake an NMAHP post-doctoral position aligned with one of the OH-BRC research themes.

This post would allow the successful candidate to gain valuable post-doctoral research experience while working as part of one of the NIHR OH-BRC research themes. The candidate will pursue their aligned research interest within the appropriate theme to gain new knowledge that will further their ability to undertake clinical academic research.

The post will be answerable to, and supported by, Dr Marion Waite at the NIHR OH-BRC and Rose Hombo at OH, relevant theme leads and other OH-BRC staff where appropriate. This will be in the form of setting personal objectives and as a researcher developing their own research project within the selected theme.

The successful candidate will be someone who has successfully completed a PhD or professional doctorate or is close to submission of their thesisThey will be a professionally registered NMAHP and have clinical experience of working within OHFT. They will be able to communicate efficiently and confidently across disciplinary boundaries, confident to manage their own research project(s) plus willing to work collaboratively and engage with other researchers. They will have a good understanding of the NIHR OH-BRC themes and have their own ideas as to how they could contribute to the theme’s stated objectives. They will have exceptional communications skills, project management experience and a sound understanding of, and commitment to, the NIHR OH-BRC research priorities.

The post should be seen as a development opportunity for early career NMAHP researchers keen to gain clinical academic experience.  As appropriate, it will be possible to benefit from training and capacity building currently being scoped within the BRC.

Scope of the role


The successful candidate will be expected to:

  • Conduct independent research.
  • Collaborate with other members of a research team.
  • Publish research findings in reputable journals and conferences.

Interested candidates are invited to submit the following documents to Dr Pamela Reid (pamela.reid@psych.ox.ac.uk)

  1. Cover letter expressing interest and highlighting relevant experience.
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV) including a list of publications (and if relevant, likely submission date of thesis)
  3. A brief statement outlining the candidate’s research interests and goals plus an outline for a project aligned within a relevant NIHR OH-BRC Theme.
  4. The name, and contact details of the appropriate person in Oxford Health NHS FT we need to liaise with to seek approval for you to undertake this opportunity.

Application Deadline: 5pm on Friday 19 January 2024

We encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to apply.

All candidates applying will be contacted for further discussion of their applications before a final decision is made.  Please do contact Dr Marion Waite (mwaite@brookes.ac.uk) if you have any queries on this opportunity.

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Published: 19 December 2023