Our NHS, our future – NHS Next Stage Review

You may already be aware of the NHS Next Stage Review – ‘Our NHS, our future’. This is a national review which is being led by Lord Ara Darzi, a surgeon and government minister.


You may already be aware of the NHS Next Stage Review – ‘Our NHS, our future’. This is a national review which is being led by Lord Ara Darzi, a surgeon and government minister. OBMH will be taking part in the programme, encouraging staff and patients to contribute their views, which will be fed into the national work streams and outcomes.

The aim of the review is to develop a vision for the future NHS and ensure the NHS meets the needs of patients and the public. This is a clinically led review which looks to involve NHS staff across the country as well as patients and the public.

In order to enable clinicians to be directly involved, Clinical Pathway Groups have been established in each SHA area and will be looking at the following pathways:

Maternity and Newborn
Staying Healthy
Acute Care
Planned Care
Mental Health
Long Term Conditions

The South Central Mental Health Clinical Pathway Group is being chaired by Mike Hobbs, our Medical Director, which is good news for us. A number of the other Pathway Groups will also cover aspects of Mental Health.

We will be keeping you informed of progress and also ways you can get involved in the review over the coming weeks.

If you have any questions about the review, feel free to contact Helen Millar, Director of Corporate Management, who is the Trust lead for the review. You can contact Helen on 01865 782178 or email helen.millar@obmh.nhs.uk, alternatively you can contact the Communications Team on 01865 782192

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Published: 24 September 2007