Oxford Health celebrates Pride Month 2023

Oxford Health colleagues have been celebrating Pride Month promoting acceptance and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBT+ community.

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The Trust was proud to be part of the Oxford Pride celebrations on Saturday 3rd June which drew thousands for the 20th anniversary of the national event. Members of the Trust’s LGBT+ Equality Staff Network and Trust’s Trans & Non-Binary Staff Support Group, and support staff hosted a stand in the Castle Quarter in Oxford City Centre. They spoke to many members of the public as they joined the festivities.


Ian Horwood, Chair of the LGBT+ Equality Staff Network at the Trust, said: “What a fantastic way to celebrate the 20th year anniversary of Oxford Pride! It was a positive experience to see so many people enjoying themselves and coming together to show their support for the LGBT+ community. The network is already thinking about participating in other local and regional Pride events – watch this space!”

Mo Patel, Head of Inclusion said: “A special thanks to all our staff volunteers who supported the stall, and in doing so, helped to promote the Trust as an LGBT+ inclusive employer and service provider.”

The celebrations do not end here! The month-long celebrations end this Friday 30th June with a ‘Rainbow Cuppa.’

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Published: 28 June 2023