Oxford Heath sweeps the board at Oscars of the psychiatry world

Winners in every category of the Royal College of Psychiatry South Eastern Division Awards 2023

Image related to Oxford Heath sweeps the board at Oscars of the psychiatry world

Oxford Health colleagues are celebrating success after mental health doctors were named winners in every category of the Royal College of Psychiatry South Eastern Division Awards 2023 – with colleagues also taking runners up positions in half of the categories.

A total of eight Oxford Health medics were recognised for their excellence in mental health care in the region.

Oxford Heath has Chief medical officer Dr Karl Marlow said:

“I am both proud and delighted by how the psychiatry professionals at Oxford Health won in each category at the Royal College of Psychiatry (South East Division) awards this week.

“We have a proud tradition of training, learning and education in OHFT, this really does contribute to continuous improvement in the quality of care provided.

“Congratulations to everyone concerned, and for the hard work and commitment recognised by these awards.”

Psychiatric Educator of the Year

Winner: Shah Tarfarosh, General Adult Psychiatry Specialist Registrar in Psychological Therapies, Complex Needs Service and Oxford Community Psychological Medicine Service

Runner up: Athif Ilyas from the Oxford Clinic

Shah said:

“This award symbolises not just my efforts, but the collective passionate work of all the team members I work with, who are committed to patient care and education. I consider it a recognition of our shared dedication to the betterment of psychiatry and psychiatric education.”

Core Trainee of the Year

Winner: Apphia Bunting from the Early Intervention Service in Buckinghamshire

Runner up: Heidi Cooper Specialty Doctor with South Oxfordshire Adult Mental Health Team

Apphia said:

“I was extremely surprised to win this award, given the quality of those shortlisted! I’m honoured to have been given it, particularly since it is for doing something that I really enjoy. Returning from maternity leave has made me realise how much I value working in psychiatry, and I’m so glad to have the opportunity to do so.”

Heidi said:

 “I was really surprised and honoured to be nominated, and am thankful for all of the opportunities I have had within my placements to teach students and support other trainees, and to have time to carry out QI projects and get involved in other activities. I am forever grateful to my educational supervisor Dr Emma Fergusson, and my clinical supervisors over the years, for all of their support and encouragement.”

Higher Trainee of the Year

Winner: Katherine Reid, Specialist Registrar in General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy with Oxfordshire Community Psychological Medicine Service, Psychological Therapies and Complex Needs Service.

Katherine said:

 “I was really pleased to win this award and it was particularly meaningful to me that I had been nominated by three truly outstanding and inspirational colleagues who I have been extremely lucky to work with over the years.  It was definitely a morale and confidence boost.”

Psychiatric Trainer of the Year

Winner: Gerti Stegen Consultant Psychiatrist with Psychological Therapies

Gerti said:

“I am grateful to have been nominated and delighted to have won this award and am pleased to accept it on behalf of all the trainees, educational admin team and colleagues who played a major role in the educational developments we achieved together.”

Trainee Innovator of the Year

Winner: Isabel Leach, Adult Mental Health Assessment & Treatment Team North

Isabel said:

“I received the Trainee Innovator of the Year award for work in quality improvement. This involved completing a QI project focusing on improving patient safety through changing the handover system used between junior doctors on call in Milton Keynes. I am pleased and surprised to have won the prize – although it doesn’t feel like I did much!”

Trainee Peer of the Year

Winner: Ahmad Mohamed from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Community Services in Buckinghamshire

Kamal said:

“Winning this award has come as quite the surprise, and it feels great to be awarded for doing something you enjoy so much. As I said in the ceremony, it’s like going to your favourite restaurant then being rewarded with an ice cream because you enjoyed your favourite pizza.”

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Published: 14 June 2023