Oxford walk in clinic offers first dose vaccine

There’s a new opportunity for people who meet the current criteria to receive their first dose of the Covid vaccination.

Oxford walk in clinic offers first dose vaccine

The NHS and Oxford City Council are working with the Oxford Four Mosque Forum to hold COVID-19 vaccination clinics at

  • The Madina Mosque on Wednesday 7 April from 10am until 12.30pm
  • Central Oxford Mosque on Thursday 8 April from 10am until 12.30pm

The clinics are open for all over-50s and those who are younger but with certain other health conditions that make them high risk. Please see here for more information.

This clinic will be administering the first dose of the Astra Zeneca vaccine only and staff will be available to check eligibility. You do not need an appointment and are welcome to just turn up.

The vaccine will be administered by highly experienced NHS staff and qualified members of the community will be at the mosque to help on the day and answer any questions in your own language. The clinics are open to anyone, regardless of faith.



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Published: 6 April 2021