Oxfordshire Early Intervention in Psychosis win November’s Exceptional People Team Award

The Oxfordshire Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) win November’s Exceptional People Team Award – compassionately providing a crucial service which significantly improve people’s prospects of recovery.

Image related to Oxfordshire Early Intervention in Psychosis win November’s Exceptional People Team Award

Pictured above at the presentation are Trust Chair David Walker, Mental Health Social Worker Alex Evangelou, Team Manager Anne Dupre, Lead Governor Anna Gardner and Chief Executive Grant Macdonald.

The Oxfordshire Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Service provide specialist treatment and care for people aged between 14 and 65 who have signs of psychosis and is made up of several different health and social care professionals.

The team offers help to patients who may be feeling scared, confused, or experiencing other emotions – offering support and hope at a time when they really need it. They give patients a chance of recovery and allow them to be truly involved in their own recovery process. The team also has a huge focus on supporting carers, involving them in their loved one’s care as they are an integral part of the recovery process.

Patients are encouraged to be independent and take positive risks so when they are discharged, they have the skills to cope. An important element of this is supporting patients to learn to live with their diagnosis and how to manage and reduce the risk of further relapses. The team are there for their patients through the whole process – from treatment starting within two weeks of referral to future planning even after discharge, offering a safe and caring service that significantly impacts people’s lives for the better.

The nomination

The team were nominated by Occupational Therapist in Oxfordshire Early Intervention Service Vicki Smith. Vicki, who is a member of the winning team, applauded her colleagues for their support and the fantastic service they all collaboratively work together to provide.

Vicki said:

“We can work with clients for up to three years, during this time we would support them with psycho education, coping skills to manage both symptoms and medication side effects. We very much believe in clients ideally being medication free or on the lowest dose possible, to try to ensure compliance with meds. We are truly a multidisciplinary team; everyone is respected and there is no hierarchy in roles. Often medics will ask advice of the care co-ordinator on what they feel would be the best treatment option.

“We are able to offer holistic care, for example we can offer social work or Occupational Therapy assessments as needed to help plan care and liaise with tertiary services as needed.

“Many students return to work in the team and staff who have left have decided to return as it is such a supportive team to work in.”

Team Manager Anne Dupre commented: “We are so delighted to win the Exceptional People Team Award. We are committed to our patients and work hard to ensure they are supported during recovery in the best possible way. It is great to receive this award.”

Chief Executive Grant Macdonald said: “The Early Intervention in Psychosis Team’s work is a great example of how a team can provide care and treatment, with all the real-world challenges, alongside incorporating the best available evidence. The team is truly multidisciplinary and each role is crucial and dedicated to the patient’s recovery journey.”

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Published: 16 January 2024