Thanks a Million to Oxford Health Covid vaccination team!

A group of hard-working Oxford Health colleagues are celebrating reaching the million-jab milestone in little over a year.

Image related to Thanks a Million to Oxford Health Covid vaccination team!

The first vaccines started being administered to the public at the Kassam on February 1 2021.

Since then the team set up new centres in Aylesbury and Reading, launched pop-up centres in Witney, Bulmershe, Hungerford, Banbury and Reading City Centre and went out to visit communities in the Health on the Move bus, including to the most recent Reading Festival.

The Oxford Health vaccination team includes vaccinators, doctors, pharmacy technicians, administrators, marshals and volunteers. More than 1,600 colleagues have helped vaccinate people aged from 5 to over 100 years old with Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, helping enormously in the fight against COVID-19.

They were presented with special pin-badges to commemorate the major milestone. Representatives from across the operation are shown in the main picture along with Dr Nick Broughton who is handing a commemorative badge to Amanda Taylor, who gave the first vaccination at the Kassam in 2021.

Nick Broughton, Oxford Health’s Chief Executive, said: “The efforts of everyone involved in Oxford Health’s vaccination programme can’t be understated – getting to one million jabs is an enormous achievement and I want to thank each and every person who has played their part.

“To think where we were before February 2021 to where we are now with an experienced team and slick vaccination process is quite amazing. Everyone stepped up from day one whether their job was to find places to set up the vaccine centres, installing the equipment, giving the vaccines or doing all the administration the commitment and hard work has been nothing short of amazing.”

How it all began

Since 25 January 2021, when the very first members of NHS staff arrived at the newly set up facility to get vaccinated, the team has responded to the need to welcome new age groups and offer a much wider range of vaccinations.

From marking the vaccination centre layouts at the Kassam in Oxford using tape on a cold December morning in 2021 to opening the doors and welcoming the first of hundreds of thousands of people later to have their COVID-19 vaccinations, the last 14 months have certainly been momentous.

People aged 75 and over were the first members of the public to get their jabs starting on 1 February 2021. After a quick sign-in process they were shown through to the main room which houses several vaccination “pods”. From there, once their turn came up, it was a simple case of sitting down in the allocated pod, rolling up their sleeves and relaxing while the trained vaccinators did their work.

The team continues to welcome people for first, second and booster jabs and remains ready to vaccinate new cohorts as government announcements require.

The Oxford Health vaccination centres now offer walk-in opportunities as well as booked appointments, meaning that anyone can get the jabs they need at a time to suit them. You can book an appointment online here.



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Published: 29 April 2022