Video: Chair David Walker reviews topics at the July 22 Trust Board Meeting

Demand for mental health services, winter planning, finance and Black Lives Matter covered

Image related to Video: Chair David Walker reviews topics at the July 22 Trust Board Meeting

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is not able, during Covid, to hold fully public meetings as normal. So, David Walker, Chair of the Trust, has made this short video to explain some of the key topics discussed at the July 22 meeting.

He reported referrals of patients to the trust are still below their pre-Covid levels, but all the indicators suggest there will be increased demand for services.

David said: “Other trust reports a high incidence of mental illness among men, and we expect a bigger call on our psychological therapy services. We are doing what we can to anticipate those and we are keenly aware that some services, especially for children and young people, fall well short already of what we want to provide and what parents and young people need.”

He also explained how the Trust is looking ahead to the winter, that Oxford Health is breaking even financially and of the aspirations to expand mental health services in line with demand. Our Hospital at Home service gave a presentation and the Trust’s response to Black Lives Matter was also discussed.

Watch the video for full details

See also David’s reviews of:

September 30, 2020 Board meeting

July 22, 2020 Board meeting

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Published: 23 July 2020