We will provide more updates as the work, which includes improved lighting and CCTV and is to take place through the rest of August and September, progresses.
For the first week there will be NO vehicle access to the main drive.
Entrance to the site will be via the temporary car park where there will be a traffic light system directing vehicles through the one-way section by the barrier, exiting the site will be via the PEACE building car park.
Parking will be available in front of the main reception, long car park, Highfield/Meadow unit and behind the POWIC building. There will be NO parking in front of Green Tree Lodge.
Pedestrian access to the Warneford hospital site
Changes to the temporary safety fencing at the main driveway into the Warneford hospital means that there is currently no pedestrian or cyclist access along the main drive. The fencing is in place to ensure vehicles do not enter the driveway while trenches are being dug as part of the improvement work.
Access to the site is now via the pathway next to the ISIS building and along the POWIC building to the main entrance. Any pedestrians or cyclists needing to access Green Tree Lodge will need to follow this route and then walk back down the path on the main drive. We apologise for this additional inconvenience but the safety of our staff, visitors and patients must be a priority.
You do not need to be familiar with the site or the buildings mentioned above as signs will be in place to guide visitors.
The full programme of work is below.
Week Commencing 19th August
There will be no vehicle access to the main drive. Entrance to the site will be via the temporary car park where there will be a traffic light system directing vehicles through the one-way section by the barrier, exiting the site will be via the PEACE building car park.
Parking will be available in front of the main reception, long car park, Highfield/Meadow unit and behind the POWIC building. There will be no parking in front of Green Tree Lodge.
Week Commencing 26th August
There will be no vehicle access to the main drive past Green Tree Lodge. Entrance to the rest of the site will be via the temporary car park where there will be a traffic light system directing vehicles through the one-way section by the barrier, exiting the site will be via the PEACE
building car park.
Parking will be available in the long car park, Highfield/Meadow unit, behind the POWIC building and around Green Tree Lodge. There will be no parking or access to the area by Main Reception.
Week Commencing 2nd September
There will be no pedestrian access via the long pathway from the Chapel to Cotswold House or through the Estates Barrier to the old main entrance. Car parking will be unaffected, and a safe pedestrian/cycle way will be created towards the May Davidson building and access to the front of the site will need to be via the old main entrance.
Week Commencing 9th September
There will be no vehicle access to the car park behind the POWIC building, all cycle sheds and
buildings will be accessible during this time.
Week Commencing 16th and 23rd September
Work will be commencing along the grass verge by the car park that runs along the old football pitch, car parking will be unaffected but proceed with caution.
26th and 27th September (two days only)
There will no vehicle access to the temporary overflow car park during this time.
Week Commencing 30th September
Additional pedestrian lighting bollards will be installed across the site and this work will cause minor disruptions to footpaths and verges; safe walkways will be created.
Published: 15 August 2024