We were delighted by your interest in September during our first consultation phase and felt that many of you invested considerable time and energy into letting us know what you think. We also appreciated the detailed conversations with you which gave us rich and helpful insights into how we move forward with our plans and designs.
We have been working hard since the first consultation in September, considering your feedback as we develop our proposals further. This second phase of consultation events is to present our revised plans in more detail and again hear your views.
Get Involved
We would be delighted if you could drop into any of the exhibition events on the following dates and times at the Day Centre, main entrance of the Warneford Hospital OX3 7JX:
Thursday 5 December from 4-7pm
Friday 6 December from 1-6pm
Saturday 7 December from 10-1pm
A list of questions asked during the first phase and their answers, as well as lots more information can be found on our engagement website.
Visit: https://jointheconversation.scwcsu.nhs.uk/warneford-park-consultation
Please do subscribe to our newsletter by emailing us at scwcsu.warnefordpark.engagement@nhs.net so that we can keep you updated on engagement opportunities and the development plans for Warneford Park.
Published: 4 December 2024