Wonderful five-star reviews for Witney Community Hospital’s Bladder and Bowel Service

The Bladder and Bowel team at Witney Community Hospital have been highly recognised for their fantastic work in a series of independent five-star I Want Great Care reviews.

Image related to Wonderful five-star reviews for Witney Community Hospital’s Bladder and Bowel Service

The team at Witney is made up of registered nurses, an assistant practitioner and senior administrators who provide a community-based service for adults suffering with bowel and/or bladder problems. You can access the service via a referral made by a health care or educational professional, details are on the Oxford Health Website.

Carrie Lincoln, Clinical Lead for the service said: “We see patients in clinics across Oxfordshire, visiting housebound patients with complex needs at their home. We offer assessment and advice, bladder scanning, pelvic floor exercises and much more. If you feel you require assistance from our team, please speak to your GP or healthcare professional who can refer you.

“I’m so proud of our team and am delighted to hear that the efforts of the staff are being recognised by patients. Everyone works so hard to treat visitors and provide them with as much knowledge about their conditions as possible.”

All patients and service users who receive care and support from Oxford Health are encouraged to provide reviews on the independent I Want Great Care website. The Trust welcomes reviews as they help our teams learn where the quality and standards of care can be improved as well as letting us know where our teams are providing good care.

One service user said: “I am absolutely amazed by the level of knowledge and experience of my Clinical Nurse Specialist. Such a pleasant and understanding environment, lots of support and tips! I felt inspired by her to become a clinical nurse myself one day and I believe she is helping lots of families out there.”

Another patient said: “I have just experienced a triage session and the whole experience was positive and informing. The nurses’ questions were thought provoking and thorough. I felt supported, encouraged and not in any way judged. I feel safe and know I am in competent hands.”

To find out more about Witney Hospital’s Bladder and Bowel service, visit the Oxford Health website.

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Published: 13 July 2022