The following are selected publications from the OHI team on topics of relevance to the work of Oxford Healthcare Improvement.
- Amalberti, R., & Vincent, C. (2020). Managing Risk in Hazardous Conditions: Improvisation is not enough. BMJ quality & safety, 29(1), 60-63.
- Maughan, D. L., Reen, G. R., Bailey, J. (2020). Building Improvement Capability in Frontline Staff: a UK Perspective. BJPsych International, 1-4.
- Reen, G. K., Bailey, J., Maughan, D. L., Vincent, C. (2020). Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Constant Observation on Adult Inpatient Psychiatric Wards. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29, 372-386.
- Staines, A., Amalberti, R., Berwick, D. M., Braithwaite, J., Lachman, P., & Vincent, C. A. (2020). COVID-19: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Skills to Deploy During the Surge. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 1-3.
- Natasha Bloodworth, Rasanat Nawaz. Which interventions have been successful in reducing self-harm on a psychiatric inpatient ward?. PROSPERO 2019 CRD42019129046 Available from:
- Wu, A. W., Buckle, P., Haut, E. R., Bellandi, T., Koizumi, S., Mair, A., … & Newman-Toker, D. (2020). Supporting the Emotional Well-being of Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 0(0), 1-4.
- Page B, Nawaz R, Haden S, Vincent C & Lee A C H. Paediatric enteral feeding at home: an analysis of patient safety incidents. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Published Online First: 14 June 2019. Available at:
- Maughan, D. Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare. Cambridge University Press; 2019 May 31. Further information available at:
- Vergunst F, Berry HL, Rugkåsa J, Burns T, Molodynski A, Maughan DL. Applying the triple bottom line of sustainability to healthcare research-a feasibility study. International journal for quality in health care: journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care. 2019 May. Abstract available at:
- Brettell R, Fisher R, Hunt H, Garland, S, Lasserson, D. Hayward, G. Out-of-hours primary care end of life prescribing: a data linkage study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care Published Online First: 09 May 2019. Available at:
- Reen GK, Silber E, Langdon DW. Best Methods of Communicating Clinical Trial Data to Improve Understanding of Treatments for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Value in Health. 2018;21(7):762–6. Available at:
- Brettell Rachel, Fisher Rebecca, Hunt Helen, Garland Sophie, Lasserson D, Hayward Gail, ‘What proportion of patients at the end of life contact out-of-hours primary care? A data linkage study in Oxfordshire’ BMJ Open 2018;8(4): e020244 . Available at:
- Veraart Jolien, Smith-Apeldoorn Sanne, Trueman Hayley, De Boer Marrit, Schoevers Robert A, McShane Rupert. Characteristics of patients expressing an interest in ketamine treatment: results of an online survey. BJPsych Open (2018) 4, 389–392. https://doi: 10.1192/bjo.2018.51
- Behrman S, Wilkinson P, Lloyd H, Vincent C. Patient safety in community dementia services: what can we learn from the experiences of caregivers and healthcare professionals? Age Ageing. 2017;46(3):518-21.
- Crisp H., Delivering a national approach to patient flow in Wales’, Health Foundation, London, 2017. Free download available:
- Crisp H., Chapter 9 – Sharing Healthcare Improvements: Presenting and Communicating Improvement Results, in ‘Improving Healthcare, a handbook for practitioners’, Baillie L., Maxwell E., ed.s, Routledge 2017
- Hayward Gail N., Vincent C., Lasserson D. Predicting clinical deterioration after initial assessment in out-of-hours primary care: a retrospective service evaluation. Br J Gen Pract 2017; 67 (654): e78-e85
- Inada-Kim M, Page B, Maqsood I, Vincent C. Defining and measuring suspicion of sepsis: an analysis of routine data. BMJ Open. 2017;7(6):e014885.
- Macrae C, Vincent C. A new national safety investigator for healthcare: the road ahead. J R Soc Med. 2017;110(3):90-2.
- Maughan D., James A. Diagnosis and treatment: are psychiatrists choosing wisely? BJPsych Advances Jan 2017, 23 (1) 9-15
- Reen GK, Silber E, Langdon DW. Interventions to support risk and benefit understanding of disease-modifying drugs in Multiple Sclerosis patients: A systematic review. Patient education and counseling. 2017 Jun;100(6):1031-48.
- Bailey, J., Page, B., Ndimande, N., Connell, J., & Vincent, C. (2016). Absconding: reducing failure to return in adult mental health wards. BMJ Open Quality, 5(1), u209837-w5117.
- Haidrani, L. (2016). Project reduces self-harm in children and adolescents. Mental Health Practice (2014+), 19(6), 8-9.
- Maughan, D., Burgess, M. (2016) Social Sustainability and mental health; a threat to evidence-based practice? BJPsych International. Feb. 4-5
- Vincent C, Amalberti R. Safer healthcare. Strategies for the real world. London: Springer; 2016.
- Cyhlarova E, Crepaz-Keay D, Reeves R, Morgan M, Iemmi V, Knapp M. An evaluation of peer-led self-management training for people with severe psychiatric diagnoses. J Mental Health Training, Education & Practice 2015; 10:1.
- Maughan, D. L., & Davison, P. (2015). The need for sustainable psychiatry. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(8), 675-677.
- Maughan, D. L., Patel, A., Parveen, T., Braithwaite, I., Cook, J., Lillywhite, R., & Cooke, M. (2015). Primary-care-based social prescribing for mental health: an analysis of financial and environmental sustainability. Primary health care research & development, 1-8.
- Malhotra, A., Maughan, D., Ansell, J., Lehman, R., Henderson, A., Gray, M., et al. (2015). Choosing Wisely in the UK: the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ initiative to reduce the harms of too much medicine. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 350(may12 7), h2308–h2308. doi:10.1136/bmj.h2308
- Maughan, D., & Pearce, M. (2015). Reducing non-attendance rates in community psychiatry: a case for sustainable development? BJPsych International, 12(2), 36–39.
- Maughan, D. L., & Economou, A. (2015). Social networking sites: a clinical dilemma? Journal of Medical Ethics, 41(2), 203–205. doi:10.1136/medethics-2013-101341
- Reeves R, West E. Changes in in-patients’ experiences of hospital care in England over a 12-year period: a secondary analysis of national survey data. J Health Serv Res Policy 2015; 20:3 131-137.
- Barron D, West E, Reeves R. It takes patience and persistence to get negative feedback about patients’ experiences: a secondary analysis of national inpatient survey data. BMC Health Serv Res 2014; 14:153.
- Macrae C, Vincent C. Learning from failure: the need for independent safety investigation in healthcare. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2014;107(11):439-43.
- Yarlagadda S, Maughan D, Lingwood S, Davison P. (2014) Sustainable psychiatry in the UK. Psychiatr Bull 2014; 38: 285–90.
- Maughan, D., & Ansell, J. (November 2014). Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Report: Protecting resources, promoting value: a doctor’s guide to cutting waste in clinical care.
- Newton P, Reeves R, West E, Schofield P. Patient-centred assessment and management of pain for older adults with dementia in care home and acute settings. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 2014; 24:139-144.
- Parand A, Dopson S, Renz A, Vincent C. The role of hospital managers in quality and patient safety: a systematic review. Bmj Open. 2014;4(9).
- Reeves R, West E. Patient feedback as a way to improve quality of care. British Medical Journal 2014;348:16.
- Vincent C, Burnett S, Carthey J. Safety measurement and monitoring in healthcare: a framework to guide clinical teams and healthcare organisations in maintaining safety. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2014;23(8):670-7.
- Pérotin V, Zamora B, Reeves R, Bartlett W, Allen P. Does hospital ownership affect patient experience? An investigation into public-private sector differences in England. Journal of Health Economics 2013;32:633-646.
- Reeves R, West E, Barron D. Facilitated patient experience feedback can improve nursing care: a pilot study for a phase III cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research 2013; 13:259.
- Reeves R, Why the friends and family test won’t work. 7th December 2012, Health Services Journal, England.
- Carthey J, Walker S, Deelchand V, Vincent C, Griffiths W. Breaking the rules: understanding non-compliance with policies and guidelines. British Medical Journal. 2011;343.
- Vincent C, Batalden P, Davidoff F. Multidisciplinary centres for safety and quality improvement: learning from climate change science. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2011;20(Suppl 1):i73-i8.
- Vincent C. Patient safety. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell; 2010.
- Benn J, Burnett S, Parand A, Pinto A, Iskander S, Vincent C. Studying large-scale programmes to improve patient safety in whole care systems: Challenges for research. Social Science & Medicine. 2009;69(12):1767-76.
- Benn J, Koutantji M, Wallace L, Spurgeon P, Rejman M, Healey A, et al. Feedback from incident reporting: information and action to improve patient safety. Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2009;18(1):11-U33.
- Reeves R, Seccombe I. Do patient surveys work? The influence of a national survey programme on local quality improvement initiatives. Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2008;17: 437-441.
- Davis RE, Jacklin R, Sevdalis N, Vincent CA. Patient involvement in patient safety: what factors influence patient participation and engagement? Health Expectations. 2007;10(3):259-67.
- Olsen S, Neale G, Schwab K, Psaila B, Patel T, Chapman EJ, et al. Hospital staff should use more than one method to detect adverse events and potential adverse events: incident reporting, pharmacist surveillance and local real-time record review may all have a place. Quality and Safety in Health Care. 2007;16(1):40-4.
- Raleigh VS, Irons R, Hawe E, Scobie S, Cook A, Reeves R, Petruckevitch A, Harrison J. Ethnic variations in the experiences of mental health service users in England. British Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 191:304-312.
Page last reviewed: 30 November, 2021