Gaining funding for assessment & treatment


Following ongoing review of governance and contractual processes at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, we are no longer able to provide services through the patient choice pathway. We require that local NHS funding is sought by the referrer from the local Integrated Care Board (ICB, formerly CCG) to secure funding for assessment and any recommended treatment. OHSPIC is not part of the NHS England Highly Specialist Service (HSS) pathway.


If a referral is accepted, we will let the referrer know the NHS funding cost and any therapist travel cost involved. We require that local NHS funding is then sought by the referrer from the local Integrated Care Board (ICB, formerly CCG) for assessment. Once funding has been requested, the referrer can check on the progress of funding authorisation, as the length of time can vary depending on funders in different areas. Once we have received confirmation (with evidence of ICB correspondence) that funding has been agreed, we can proceed with allocating a therapist and offering an assessment appointment.


Following assessment, if treatment with OHSPIC is considered suitable, the service user and referrer will be informed of the recommended treatment and associated NHS funding requirements. We then require that local NHS funding is sought by the referrer from the local Integrated Care Board (ICB, formerly CCG) to secure funding for treatment, unless this was already agreed by the ICB when funding was agreed for assessment. Once written confirmation of funding authorisation has been received from the ICB, the service user can be offered an appointment to start treatment when a suitable therapist becomes available.

Page last reviewed: 17 December, 2024