Our literature section features research texts on spiritual wellbeing and psycho-spiritual care.
The texts below may be helpful for researchers and practitioners in psycho-spiritual care. Please note that some titles are now out of print.
- Clarke I, 2008. Madness, mystery and the survival of God. O Books.
- Clarke I (ed) 2010. Psychosis and spirituality: Consolidating the new paradigm. John Wiley & Sons.
- Cook C, 2013. Spirituality, theology and mental health: Multidisciplinary perspectives. SCM Press.
- Cook C, 2019. Hearing voices, demonic and divine: Scientific and theological perspectives. Routledge. [Open access]
- Cook C, 2020. Christians hearing voices: Affirming experience and finding meaning. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Cook C, Powell A, Sims A, (eds), 2016. Spirituality and Narrative in Psychiatric Practice. RCPsych.
- Cox J, Campbell A V, and Fulford B, 2007. Medicine of the Person: Faith, Science and Values in Health Care Provision. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Department of Health, 2006. From values to action: The Chief Nursing Officer’s review of mental health nursing. Dept of Health.
- Eagger S, Richmond P, and Gilbert P, 2009. Spiritual care in the NHS. Spirituality and psychiatry. RCPsych.
- Ellis C, 2004. The ethnographic I: A methodological novel about autoethnography. Altamira Press.
- Finlay L, 2011. Phenomenology for therapists: Researching the lived world. John Wiley & Sons.
- Fletcher J, (ed), 2019. Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in Mental Health Settings. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Fonagy P, 2004. Psychotherapy meets neuroscience: A more focused future for psychotherapy research. Psychiatric bulletin, 28(10), pp.357-359.
- Freeth R, 2007. Humanising Psychiatry and Mental Health Care. Radcliffe Publishing
- Furman R, Lietz C, and Langer C L, 2006. The research poem in international social work: Innovations in qualitative methodology. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(3), pp.24-34.
- Gordon T and Mitchell D, 2004. A competency model for the assessment and delivery of spiritual care. Palliative Medicine, 18(7), pp.646-651.
- Harrison G (ed), 2016. Psycho-spiritual Care in Health Care Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Hill P C, and Pargament K I, 2003. Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of religion and spirituality: Implications for physical and mental health research. American Psychologist 58(1):64-74.
- Holloway M and Moss B, 2010. Spirituality and social work. Macmillan International Higher Education.
- Kalsched D, 2013. Trauma and the soul: a psycho-spiritual approach to human development and its interruption. Routledge
- Kinmond K, Goss P, Oakley L, Harborne L, West W, Bridges R and Graham, E., 2015. Spiritual accompaniment and counselling: Journeying with psyche and soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Koenig H G, 2009. Research on religion, spirituality, and mental health: A review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54(5), pp.283-291.
- Matteson D R, 2011. Exploring the spiritual: Paths for counselors and psychotherapists. Routledge.
- McIlveen P, 2007. The genuine scientist-practitioner in vocational psychology: An autoethnography. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 4(4), pp.295-311.
- McSherry W, 2006. Making sense of spirituality in nursing and health care practice: An interactive approach. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Razzaque R, 2014. Breaking down is waking up: The connection between psychological distress and spiritual awakening. Watkins Publishing.
- Slater V, 2013. The Fresh Significance of Chaplaincy for the Mission and Ministry of the Church of England: Three Case Studies in Community Contexts (Doctoral dissertation, Anglia Ruskin University).
- Swift C, 2015. NHS Chaplaincy guidelines 2015: promoting excellence in pastoral, spiritual and religious care. London: NHS England.
- Swift C, Cobb M R, and Todd A, 2015. A handbook of chaplaincy studies: Understanding spiritual care in public places. Routledge.
- Swinton J, 2001. Spirituality and mental health care: Rediscovering a ‘forgotten’ dimension. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Thorne B, 2012. Counselling and spiritual accompaniment: Bridging faith and person-centred therapy. John Wiley & Sons
- Wattis J, Curran S, Rogers M, (eds), 2017. Spiritually Competent Practice in Health Care. CRC Press
- West W, ed., 2011. Exploring therapy, spirituality and healing. Palgrave Macmillan.
Page last reviewed: 8 November, 2022