North City hub
Murray House, Jordan Hill
Current state
Work is about to get underway soon to refurbish this building, on which we have just taken out a long lease. It is located close to the city’s Parkway station to the north of Oxford, the park-and-ride and is well served by buses travelling to and from the centre of the city.
The plan
Our hubs will be a combination of staff bases, alongside clinics for patients. This means that some of our teams will be moving to the North City Hub at Murray House, along with clinics that they run currently – see below for more information. This will also allow some of our teams to offer clinics that they can’t do now, as well as care for their patients in modern, fit-for-purpose buildings.
Teams who will have their base at Murray House, all of whom support people living in the northern part of the city already, will include:
- 0-19 Healthy Child and Young Person’s Services (previously health visiting, school nursing and family nurse partnership teams)
- Children specialist therapy services (physio, occupational therapy and speech & language)
- Adult specialist therapy services (physio and occupational therapy)
- District nursing teams
- Specialist teams such as respiratory and home oxygen, heart failure and physical disability physiotherapy services
- Podiatry and specialist dental services
Proposed clinic changes
Whilst the majority of our teams see people in their own homes, several clinics will also be moving from their current locations to Murray House, including:
- Health visitor review clinics at Jericho, Kidlington, South Parade and Northway House
- Children’s speech and language, physiotherapy and occupational therapy clinics at Cornwallis House
- Children’s bladder and bowel clinic (a county-wide service) at South Parade
- District nursing clinics (for example catheters and leg ulcers) at Kidlington and other sites in North Oxford
- Heart failure clinic at Kidlington
- Podiatry clinics at Kidlington and St Barnabas
- All dental clinics at Kidlington
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