What we do

We will work with you and agree on a range of treatments and interventions.

All our treatments are tailored to you and your needs and include guidance for partners and families.

Some of the interventions, help and types of advice we may offer you include:

  • Advice and support over the telephone
  • Face to face support in the local community or at home, dependent on needs
  • Guidance with medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Support with making informed choices around medication
  • Psychological support including therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy amongst others
  • Preconception advice and guidance for those planning pregnancies who may be concerned about their mental health
  • Expanding guidance and support for partners and family
  • Nursery Nurse interventions including
    • Antenatal preparation
    • Support around the relationship between mother and baby
    • Baby massage
    • Feeding support (whichever method you choose)
    • Developmental advice
    • Guidance and support around baby care and developmental milestones
  • Pre-birth care planning
  • Sign-posting to other support services/networks including referral to Mother and Baby Units where appropriate

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