Sleep difficulties/insomnia
Sleep difficulties/insomnia can be found under
Advice for the treatment of delayed sleep phase
- Exposure to bright light, shortly after awakening, may help to reset the body clock
- Reduce exposure to light in the evening and in particular avoid screen time an hour or longer before bed
- Shifting the bedtime schedule: move bedtime gradually forward, by 15-30 minutes each night, until you get to the desired bedtime.
- Improving sleep hygiene, keeping regular hours and only using the bedroom for sleeping can help to strengthen the body clock
- Melatonin or other natural sleep-inducing drugs are an option:
- Take 0.5mg Melatonin 6 hours before the time you fell asleep the night before (if you fell asleep at 3am, then take the Melatonin at 9pm the following evening), details about how to take small quantities of Melatonin can be found in the leaflet below:
Page last reviewed: 26 January, 2024