Initial assessment
If accepted as a patient, you will undergo a thorough initial assessment. The assessment considers previous podiatry treatment and patient expectations, before establishing a treatment plan in partnership with each individual.
The treatment planning process is objective led and requires the podiatrist and patient to work towards identified goals over given time periods. It also identifies the level of ‘risk’ to a patient’s foot health. The process eliminates ineffective, repetitive, symptomatic relief by recognising causative factors and underlying pathologies.
Please note that you will need to supply your podiatrist with some medical information before an assessment can take place. This is to ensure that you are given the best possible treatment. More information on how your personal data is treated is available on patient rights.
Non-urgent advice: What to expect
Please see this leaflet for what you can expect at your appointment if you are taken on following a New Patient Assessment:
Page last reviewed: 10 April, 2024