About us

The ReConnect service is an award winning county-wide team in Buckinghamshire, who are trained to work with parents who are pregnant or children age 0-2 years that are subject to child protection plans.

We are passionate about improving outcomes for babies and children’s emotional and mental health, as well as reducing concerns and safeguarding risks.

We work with parents to build a therapeutic alliance, to help parents understand themselves better and helping them to understand how past or current relationships have been harmful.

We will safely explore these and make a plan together for how to work through them.

First five years

Below is information about the 1001 critical days report, which shows us why the first five years of a child’s life is so important:

Our team

We are a team of clinicians trained to work with parents and children aged 0-2.

Our team includes:

  • Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Clinical Lead
  • Operation lead/ team manager
  • Senior Clinical Psychologist
  • Specialist Mental Health Practitioner
  • Clinical Specialist Psychotherapist
  • Clinical Specialist Therapist
  • Team Administrator

Your needs

  • You might have past or present mental health needs.
  • You might have a diagnosis of EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder), or Complex- PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or meet the criteria for EUPD or C-PTSD.
  • You may have complex emotional needs, including difficulties with emotional regulation, relationship instability or difficulties in trusting others.
  • You may be a parent who experienced abuse or neglect in your own childhood.
  • You may have been a looked after or adopted child.
  • You may currently misuse substances and alcohol to cope with difficulties in life or have a history of this.
  • You may be a victim of domestic abuse, abusive behaviours or controlling behaviours in your current or past relationships.
  • You may have older children removed from your care and are pregnant again or caring for your youngest children.
  • You might need help to break cycles of abuse or patterns in relationships.

We will work with you to help understand some of these difficulties or challenges, whilst also thinking about significant past or present relationships or events that have happened in your life, that might leave you feeling “stuck”.

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Page last reviewed: 25 September, 2024