What we offer

Therapies offered

We provide several therapies, including individual, group and interaction video guidance.

MBT mentalization based therapy (MBT)

A long-term form of therapy to help make sense of your thoughts and feelings, as well as others.

We help you to understand all minds are different. This can help with relationships, or patterns in relationships, including your children.

It is helpful for people with traits of PTSD, EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder) or those diagnosed.

Trauma therapy

We also offer individual trauma therapy, to help process trauma and move on with their lives. This may be Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET).

Your therapist will work at your pace, in a safe environment where you explore what has happened to you. We can explore together any lasting beliefs you hold about yourself or the event(s).

Video interaction guidance (VIG)

Video interaction guidance is a form of parent- infant therapy. It promotes parental sensitivity, attunement and mentalization in relationships.

We film the parent and child, to find moments where they meet their baby/ or child’s cues in pictures or video clips. We move at the parents pace and with their goals.

Here is a video explaining how powerful VIG has been for a parent:



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