Amber ward
About us
Amber ward is an inpatient ward which assesses and treats mainly people over the age of 65 who are experiencing organic and functional mental health problems.
We aim to give patients the best possible care provided on a 24-hour basis. The ward is for men and women and has accommodation for 20 individuals. You will have your own bedroom with ensuite facilities during your stay.
We aim to provide individual care and treatment, working both with patients and carers, to promote recovery and your return home.
We will work together with you to promote your dignity and choice in the planning and implementation of your care and treatment.
- at least two sets of day clothes
- outdoor shoes
- nightwear and slippers
- toiletries (razorblades will be kept safely by staff)
- comb
- coat
- underwear
If you did not have time to pack before being admitted, or if you have forgotten anything, please speak to one of the nurses who will be able to help you with some of these items.
We understand you may want to bring some personal items with you during your stay on the ward. However, please be aware that your room does not have a secure storage so all items must be brought in at your own risk: Oxford Health NHS FT cannot be held responsible for any items which are lost, stolen or damaged.
We want to keep our ward a safe environment for all our patients and staff and therefore there are some items which we cannot allow on our inpatient ward. These include:
- alcohol
- illicit drugs – they will be removed and disposed, and the police may be informed
- tobacco
- plastic bags
- glass bottles
- cameras, or mobile phones with a camera
- jewellery and other valuables, and more money than you need for routine purchases
- electrical items, including televisions, stereo systems and computer equipment
Other items considered hazardous to you or others will be removed at staff discretion.
People who give you regular support when you are at home (for example, your partner, neighbours or friends) may be described as carers. They may be anxious to know how you are and how they can help when you are discharged.
It is useful for us to know who gives your regular support. It will often be helpful for us to talk to them as they will know and understand your needs. It will also be helpful for us to know how you would like them to be involved in planning and reviewing your care.
Carers may also be eligible for an assessment to support them: ask your nurse or care-coordinator for more information.
Visiting times
Family and friends are welcome to visit you on the ward seven days a week.
- Monday – Sunday
- 2.30pm – 5.00pm
- 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Whiteleaf Centre, Bierton Road, Aylesbury HP20 1EG
- Phone: 01865 902 000
Please note that car parking at all Oxford Health sites now uses a pay-and-display system.
Special arrangements
If your visitors are not able to come during normal visiting hours, please discuss this with the ward team and special arrangements can be made. Visitors are welcome to sit with you in the lounge. To maintain the privacy and dignity of all patients on the ward, visitors are only permitted in the bedrooms with staff awareness.
The ward may refuse a visitor entry if they feel that the visit is not in the best interest for you or if it is outside visiting hours.
Under 16s
If you would like children under the age of 16 to visit with an appropriate adult please contact the ward in advance and we can make our ward review room available to you. They will be required to use a separate entrance to the ward. This is to ensure the safety of all who visit.
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