Hospital at Home
What is Hospital at Home?
The Hospital at Home team are here to:
- provide healthcare to you at home as an alternative to hospital admission
- support earlier discharges from hospital for people who are well enough to return home
Patients on Hospital at Home stay in their own homes but they recieve extra care and attention from the Hospital at Home team.
The team work like a hospital ward team and have regular multi-disciplinary meetings where they discuss the patients they are looking after.
The service is designed to give patients extra support so that they are not admitted to hospital or so that their admission is as short as possible.
This service is available across Oxfordshire.
What we do
The team will:
- assess your needs and plan your healthcare with you
- provide extra support, monitoring and specialist care while you are unwell
- with your permission, liaise closely with any other health and social care professionals, family members or carers involved in your ongoing care, so they are aware of your progress
Who we are
The Hospital at Home team is made up of:
- nurses
- paramedics
- occupational therapists
- healthcare assistants
How can I access the service?
Patients can be referred to the service through:
- district nurses
- local minor injuries units (MIU)
- out-of-hours services
- Oxfordshire hospitals
- GPs
- emergency multidisciplinary unit (EMU)
- case managers
Note that you cannot self-refer to this service: you need to be referred by a healthcare practitioner.
The number for our central Oxfordshire team (during normal working hours) is 01865 904 256.
For North and North East Oxfordshire, the number is 01295 266 879 (please note that this team is not operated by Oxford Health).
This information is also available in our printable leaflet.
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