Memory services
What we do
Our memory services aim to help people who are worried that their poor memory may be a sign of dementia.
These services provide a full assessment of the problem, start treatment if that is needed and offer advice about available support for the person and their care-giver.
Who we help
A referral to our service may be advisable if you are having increased difficulty:
- remembering day-to-day events
- finding the right word
- forgetting dates and appointments
- following conversations
- with tasks such as dressing or cooking
- finding things around the house
- with finances, paying bills etc
- personality change including apathy and withdrawal
- your care-giver is having difficulty coping
Getting help
If you are worried about your memory and would like to be seen by a memory clinic, the first step is discussing your concerns with your GP.
Useful information
If you have a concern about your memory and would like to see our specialists, you should make an appointment to discuss your concerns with your GP.
When we get a referral letter from your GP, we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
We often also arrange for patients to have a brain scan before seeing them in clinic.
Main sites
Abingdon mental Health Centre
Community Hospital Site
Marcham Rd,
OX14 1AG
Phone: 01865 904 410
Memory Assessment Service
The Whiteleaf Centre
Bierton Road
HP20 1EG
Tel: 01865 901296
Other clinic locations
Location | Phone number | Team base | Clinic days |
Abingdon, Mental Health Centre, OX14 1AG | 01865 904 410 | South Oxon | Monday – PM.
Tuesday – PM. Thursday – PM. |
Amersham Health Centre, Chiltern Avenue, HP6 5AY | 01865 901 296 | Saffron House | Monday – all day
Tuesday – AM Thursday – all day |
Aylesbury, Whiteleaf Centre, HP20 1EG | 01865 901 296 | Whiteleaf | Monday – AM
Friday – AM
Banbury, Fiennes Centre, Horton Hospital, OX16 9AL | 01865 902 726 | North Oxon | Monday – AM |
Bicester, Julier Centre, Coker Close, OX26 6AE | 01865 904 010 | Central Oxon | 1ST, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month- AM |
Chipping Norton, War Memorial Hospital, OX7 5FA | 01865 902 726 | North Oxon | Thursday – AM |
High Wycombe, Saffron House, Easton St, HP11 1NH | 01865 901296 | South Bucks | Monday – All day
Tuesday – AM Wednesday – AM Thursday – AM Friday – AM |
Oxford, Warneford Hospital, Green Tree Lodge OX3 7JX | 01865 904010 | Central Oxon | Thursday – all day |
Thame Community Hospital, East Street, OX9 3JT | 01865 901296 | Whiteleaf | Monday – all day |
Wallingford, Mental Health Centre, OX10 0DT | 01865 904410 | South Oxon | Monday – AM
Wednesday – AM |
Witney, Community Hospital or Nuffield Health Centre, OX28 6JQ | 01865 902726 | North Oxon | 3rd, 4th and 5th Monday of the month – PM
Tuesday – PM Thursday – AM |
Our memory clinic teams consist of consultant psychiatrists, specialist dementia nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists and dementia advisers.
The appointment will include answering general questions about your memory, day-to-day activities, driving, and family life and also carrying out some memory tests. This is described more fully in this leaflet which will be sent with your appointment letter.
The aim of the clinic appointment is to provide a treatment plan to support your medical, social and care needs. This will be based on a diagnosis, which we can share with you and your family if wanted.
We are actively engaged in research, and you will be offered the opportunity to be contacted about suitable studies, for example assessing or treating memory problems. This is entirely optional. Many patients and their families find this a very rewarding experience.
Links and resources
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire each have a memory advice service.
You can contact this support organisations and services directly without needing to be seen in memory clinic:
- Age UK Oxfordshire services
- Age UK Information guides and factsheets
- Age UK Buckinghamshire
- Alzheimer’s Research UK Alzheimer’s Research UK – the UK’s leading Alzheimer’s research charity (
- Alzheimer’s Research UK Guide to Dementia A quick guide to dementia – Alzheimer’s Research UK (
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Connect
- Alzheimer’s Society publications
- Buckinghamshire memory support services
- Dementia Guidance
- Guideposts Trust services in Oxfordshire
- Information about new medications
- Oxfordshire: Oxfordshire Dementia Advice and Support
- Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire NHS 24/7 Mental Health Helpline via NHS 111
- Young Dementia Network Online community for young onset dementia – Young Dementia Network
A detailed directory of relevant local Oxfordshire information is available on dementia web.
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