Health Records

We keep health records about your care and treatment. Your information is only viewed by authorised staff in the Trust – so the people providing your care and treatment.

Keeping health records is an important aspect of the care that you receive but are kept confidential and secure at all times. Your records may be kept in either paper or electronic systems.

The Trust is required to use your information in accordance with the law and use it for healthcare or healthcare related purposes only. This may include research and audit. We will only share your information beyond these purposes with your consent, or if we are required to by other law (for example: Child Protection or Safeguarding issues).

The Trust has produced a leaflet called “Your Rights and Your Record” which is available from your care team, or at the link at the bottom of this page. This leaflet provides more detailed information on how we store and use your information.

Requesting your record

If at any time you want to see your health records you can apply for access, but we must have this in writing. The application form for this can be found here. If you cannot download it, or would like a hard copy to be sent then please contact the Health Records Department who would be more than happy to help.

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Health Records Department
Littlemore Mental Health Centre
White Building
Sandford Road
Oxford OX4 4XN

Phone: 01865 902 062


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