Further Advice
The following links may offer you, or the person in your care, some additional information/advice on how to prepare for your dental appointment:
Oral Health
View fun brushing videos made with Dr Ranj – and Supertooth
Download a practical guide to children’s teeth
Helpful tips for parents to promote toothbrushing at home – supervisedtoothbrushing
Download some practical advice for parents of children with autism
Watch brushing videos for patients with special needs and their carers
To find out more about Dental Check by One or to download resources that support the campaign, visit: https://dentalcheckbyone.co.uk
Watch this signed story – Peppa Pig Story – Dentist Trip – British Sign Language (BSL)/SSE
Improving a person’s OH – Carers complete pack 2021
British Society of Paediatric Dentistry top tips for preventing tooth decay in multiple languages
Looking after your teeth - multiple languages
Looking after your teeth – English
Looking after your teeth – Urdu
Looking after your teeth – Albanian
Looking after your teeth – Romanian
Looking after your teeth – Nepali
Looking after your teeth – Farsi
Looking after your teeth – Arabic
Looking after your teeth – Polish
Making your Child’s Visit to the Dentist Easier
Going to the dentist can cause anxieties to many individuals, particularly children, it can be especially challenging for those children who may have additional needs particularly if they have sensory processing issues. Download our easy read guide here
Preparation for a dental visit is vitally important to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible for the individual involved and so that it can be a pleasant experience.
If an individual is familiar with the dental environment such as the dental equipment including the chair and the light and that they will be asked to sit in the seat and to have a ride in the dental chair and a dental mirror will be used, they will be well prepared to reduce the anxiety that this can cause when they are first faced with it.
We have put together a few resources that we hope will make the process of familiarising your child with going to the dentist easier and make their first experience a more enjoyable one.
Monkey’s Family Visits the Dentist
Take a look at the dental resources and free downloads that have been created to help raise awareness of the importance of oral health with the children, young people and families
Community Dental Service Social Story
If you would like a social story specific to visiting one of the Oxfordshire Community Dental Clinics you can download the Social Story Creator and Library App on an electronic device and make a request for the link to the dental social story by emailing Oral.Health@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
If you would like a paper copy, please use the same email to request one.
Making Life Easier in the Dental surgery
There are some things that can make a huge difference to an individual during a dental visit:
- Sunglasses if there is a sensitivity to the light
- Headphones if an individual is particularly sensitive to noises
- Use of plastic instruments if they are available instead of metal instruments as some individuals do not like the sensation of the metal instruments
- Knowing that the treatment can be stopped if the individual is not happy by raising a hand
- A choice of flavours of items such as the fluoride varnish if an individual is sensitive to certain tastes
Medicines used by Dentists
Autism support
Parents and families (autism.org.uk)
Download some practical advice for parents of children with autism
National Autism Society help, advice and community groups
National Autism Society advice on dental visits
Patient Likes and Dislikes
After Surgery
General Dental Council (GDC)
As dental professionals, we must be registered with the General Dental Council and meet their standards.
There are nine principles that we must follow:
1-Put patients’ interests first
2-Communicate effectively with patients
3-Obtain valid consent
4-Maintain and protect patients’ information
5-Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
6-Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients’ best interests
7-Maintain, develop and work within our professional knowledge and skills
8-Raise concerns if patients are at risk
9-Make sure our personal behaviour maintains confidence in us and the dental profession
Find out more at www.gdc-uk.org
Page last reviewed: 18 April, 2024