I live in Oxfordshire
We triage all received referrals against our referral criteria.
If you meet our criteria you will receive a letter of appointment in the post. This can take up to 6 weeks to receive.
If you don’t meet our criteria or we don’t think we can support your needs, we’ll contact the referrer explaining why, and may suggest an alternative service that we think may help.
Alternatively, you may find a dental practice near you at Find a dentist
Non-urgent advice: Dentist and GP referrals
Referrals from Dentists should be made through Rego the Dental Electronic Referral Service (DERS).
Referrals from GPs and other healthcare professional should be made using the referral form.
Non-urgent advice: Self-referral (DOMS only)
You may refer yourself or a relative to us, using the domiciliary referral form: Oxford – dom referral pack
Submitting a referral form
Completed forms can be returned to our referral team at:
Oxfordshire Community Dental Service
Corporate Services
Littlemore Mental Health Centre
Sandford Road
Phone: 01865 904040
Page last reviewed: 3 July, 2023