Contact us

Get involved

There are various ways to get involved with the Trust. Visit the sections below for contact details.

Advice, feedback and complaints

For any complaints or feedback on your experience with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, or for further information about the services that we provide, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).


Phone: 0800 328 7971

For further information about the PALS team please visit our PALS webpage.

Health records

We keep health records about your care and treatment.

If at any time you want to see your health records, you can apply for access, but we must have this in writing.

For further details about accessing your health records, application forms and contact information, visit our page.

Freedom on information

We welcome all enquiries under the Act and if there is something you would like to know please contact Mark Underwood, Head of Information Governance.

We welcome applications under the Act and if you are making a request please use the FoIA Team (c/o Information Governance).

Before making a request we suggest you search the Trust website and the FoIA response Archive to see if the Trust has already published the information you require:

If there is something else you would like to know please contact the Head of Information Governance.

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
FoIA requests c/o Information Governance
Littlemore Mental Health Centre
Sandford Road


Phone: 01865 902 554

To learn more about FOI requests, please visit our Governance section.

For anything else

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us using the details below.

Littlemore Mental Health Centre
Sandford Road

Non-urgent advice: If it's urgent

To find out who to contact if you, or someone you know has concerns about their immediate health, please visit our Support and advice section.

To find information about a specific service, department or building, call switchboard on 01865 901 000.

Get in touch

You can write to us at:

Littlemore Mental Health Centre
Sandford Road
Oxford OX4 4XN

Phone: 01865 901 000

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