Get arty this Learning Disability Week

This year’s Learning Disability Week is taking place from June 14 to 20. The theme from the leading learning disability charity Mencap is art and creativity, and they have lots of inspiring activities for you.

Get arty this Learning Disability Week

The leading learning disability charity Mencap has lots of exciting arts ideas and resources to get you going this Learning Disability Week. You can download them from the Mencap website.

There are:LD week photo frame

  • Awesome frames for you to put your own content in
  • Creative graphics for your social media feed
  • Art pack graphics.

Don’t forget to share your creations on social media using #LDArtWeek.

On Friday June 18 at 2pm Mencap’s Lloyd Page will be hosting one of his famous quizzes on Facebook Live. Lloyd has themed the questions around the #LDArtWeek theme of art and creativity. See the event here.

Treat me well

At Oxford Health we are taking a look at how small, practical changes can make a big difference to the ease of access to healthcare services. This campaign from Mencap talks about just such adjustments.

Join our webinar on Breaking down barriers

Don’t miss our Health Matters webinar Breaking down barriers. Join us on Tuesday, June 22 at 12:30 to hear from clinicians and service users how we can make mainstream healthcare easier to access for everyone. You can join via this link:

You can also sign up to receive a reminder of the link a day before the webinar – sign up here.

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Published: 15 June 2021