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Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is a community focused organisation that provides physical, mental health and social care for people of all ages across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset.

Our Trust is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office to process personal and special categories of information under the Data Protection Act 2018 and our registration number is Z1411013.

Non-urgent advice: About the trust

Our services are delivered at community bases, hospitals, clinics and people’s homes. We focus on delivering care as close to home as possible.

Our vision is that no matter who you are or where you are, you will tell us that you receive: “outstanding care delivered by outstanding people.” Our values are to be caring, safe and excellent.

For information on all our services please visit “Your Services” on our website at

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Page last reviewed: 26 October, 2023