Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service
What we do
Welcome to the Oxford Health Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service (CBaBS).
We are a small nurse-led team providing support and care for children registered with an Oxfordshire GP between 2 and 18 years, experiencing on-going bladder and bowel problems such as:
- Night-time wetting
- Daytime wetting
- Urgency
- Constipation
- Soiling
- Support with toilet skills development
- Product provision
Our aims
We aim to promote good bladder and bowel health and support children to achieve their maximum level of continence.
For some children we recognise that full continence is not achievable, and therefore, in some situations we may explore using continence products.
We do all of this by working closely with you and any other professionals who work with you too.
Our Clinical Nurse Specialists will ask you lots of questions as part of the assessment.
We will also ask you to complete Bladder and Bowel Charts to provide an up-to-date picture of what is happening for your child.
The assessment will look at every aspect of your child’s life including their physical and emotional health.
The advice and treatment we offer is individualised. It is based upon evidence-based guidelines and research.
Our nurses work in partnership with GP’s, other health care professionals where necessary.
Most importantly we work with you to support you put in place the suggested strategies and advice.
Provision of continence products
All children and young people should receive support to achieve their potential for reaching their maximum level of continence, regardless of their age, culture or ability.
Containment products will only be supplied following a full assessment and only when toilet training is not achievable. This is in line with national guidelines.
Useful information
Referrals to CBaBS come from your GP General Paediatrician or Community Paediatrician.
Children and Young People referred to CBaBS will have had a minimum of 3 months support from a School Health Nurse, Health Visitor or Special School Nurse around basic fluid, toileting, and healthy lifestyle advice.
When a referral is received by our service, it is reviewed and if accepted we aim to meet with you in one of our community-based clinics as close to your home address as possible.
Follow-up contact is usually by telephone or via Microsoft Teams. It is therefore important that we have your up-to-date contact details.
For details, please consult our Children’s Bladder and Bowel Pathway (2 – 18 years) document below:
Telephone (answerphone): 01865 904 467
Community Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service
Witney Community Hospital
Welch Way
OX28 6JJ
Service opening times are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm.
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