Peer Support
What is a Peer Support Worker?
A Peer Support Worker is someone with lived experience of mental health challenges who is employed to use their skills, compassion and knowledge to support other people and their families within our services.
Peer Support Workers might be based on wards, community teams or in rehab services. We also have Peers in more specialist roles, such as our Forensic and Perinatal services.
Apply and train
Peer Support Worker vacancies
Do you have lived experience of mental health problems, or cared for someone who has and want to use your experience to support other people facing similar challenges?
Would you like to gain a Level 3 Apprenticeship qualification along the way?
Are you looking for a career opportunity and are enthusiastic about caring and supporting people?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’, then our Peer Support Worker jobs could be the role for you!
To read about our Peer Support roles and to apply, visit our careers website:
Non-urgent advice: Receive peer support
If you are currently receiving services from Oxford Health and feel you would benefit from a Peer Support Worker, ask your key worker if this is available within your area of care support.
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