Parents’ emotional health and physical wellbeing

Important: Concerns

If you are having concerns about your mental health, with low mood, feeling depressed or anxious or feel that you don’t have a bond or an attachment with your baby, you can contact your health visiting team.  The health visitor will chat with you about your symptoms, advise on what services  are available and signpost/refer you to the most appropriate service to meet your needs.  You can also get support from your GP.’

It is quite normal for some parents to take a while to feel attached to their new baby/infant.  If this is affecting you please discuss with your health visitor or you can self refer to OXPIP.  Please check their website for further details on their service.

LGBTQ+ – Our services are accessible to all new parents.  Information on becoming an LGBTQ+ parent can be found here  LGBTQ+ parents mental health support | Ask DadPad (

Where to turn if you are unsafe

Information and support If you are concerned about your own safety at  Reducing the Risk

Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Services (ODAS) – Oxfordshire Mind Guide (

Support for emotional health

Your mental health | Baby | Start for Life (

Institute of Health Visiting: Understanding-your-mental-health-and-emotional-wellbeing-mothers-

TalkingSpace Plus is a free, confidential NHS service for adults in Oxfordshire, to help people when they’re feeling stressed, anxious or low. Talking Space Plus Oxford

Information from MIND (mental health charity) on mothers Perinatal and postnatal mental health

Oxfordshire MIND: Oxfordshire Mind | Your Local Mental Health Charity

Best Beginnings: Emotional health videos for parents: Mental Health Videos | Best Beginnings

When you are feeling low and/or anxious and need a bit more support

See the video below and check out these local groups that our specialist health visitors run

Knowing Me, Knowing You

Breathing Space

Support for dads or partners feeling low

Dads emotional health and wellbeing: Understanding-your-emotional-health-and-wellbeing-following-the-birth-of-your-baby-fathers

Information from MIND on Partners mental health

See also our Dads and Partner’s monthly supportive group: Dad’s and partner’s group

Support for single parents

Gingerbread (for single parent families) Home | Gingerbread

Advice for your relationship as new parents

Looking after your relationship as new parents: -Looking-after-your-relationship-as-new-parents-

Sex and intimacy after childbirth: Sex-and-intimacy-understanding-changes-to-your-sexual-wellbeing-

General information for parents and carers

Family Lives is a valuable source of information on a range of parenting topics for all ages and stages of parenthood. They also have a parenting helpline and online forums: Family Lives

Oxfordshire Family Information Service: Family Information Directory (

Information and parenting leaflets from the Institute of Health Visiting: iHV Top Tips Public Health;

Birth to Five book: Birth to five 2021

Health promotion for parents

Eating well for new mums: Infants & new mums — First Steps Nutrition Trust

Weight loss support Oxfordshire: Home | Weight Loss Support | Achieve Oxfordshire

Stop Smoking Oxfordshire

Stop Smoking In Oxfordshire, Quit Smoking Today – Stop For Life Oxon


Female Genital Mutilation: Female genital mutilation (FGM) – NHS (

Let’s talk FGM (

Page last reviewed: 29 August, 2024