Gaining a referral to OHSPIC
Who we see
OHSPIC accepts referrals of children, young people, and adults. Most of the people we see are 11 years old or older, but we consider younger referrals where the clinic has expertise to match their needs.
Who can refer
Any NHS professional working in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland can refer someone to OHSPIC for assessment.
How referrals are made
The NHS professional making the referral will fill out our Referral Form and email it to
Details of any past assessments or treatments should be attached to the referral to help us build a clear picture of what has or has not been useful so far.
What happens once referred
Referrals are reviewed by the clinic weekly. The referrer and the person being referred will be contacted via email (assuming we have these details) to let them know whether the referral has been accepted and any next steps.
Page last reviewed: 15 March, 2024