Our mission is to support recovery, hope, and ambition. We do this by being compassionate, creative, and collaborative. We wish to transform and innovate services in order to be more responsive to our service users and their Carers’ needs.
By creating a joined-up approach we aim to:
- Help those with mental ill-health to live longer and have a higher quality of life
- Enable access to our services at the time when they are needed
- Assist people in maintaining good recovery, including living in accommodation that is suitable to them, keeping or securing a role that is meaningful, and sustaining their wellbeing
- Help our service users improve their physical health
- Empower our service users, and the wider community including their friends, family, and Carers.
The OMHP offers an extensive range of services to provide holistic support to Oxfordshire residents. These include: inpatient services, specialist services (including early intervention in psychosis services and perinatal services), crisis care, Adult Mental Health Teams based in the community, supported housing, physical health checks, support in your own home, information and options appointments, a 24/7 helpline, short courses, physical activities, opportunities to link in with green spaces, coaching, , a benefits advice service horticulture activities, wellbeing activities, peer support groups, employment support, paid peer support worker roles and many more.
We are committed to work closely together to ensure that people living with mental ill-health can access the best possible support when they need it, and that we can provide this support in a seamless and integrated manner to meet their needs.
Working together as a Partnership allows us to achieve these ambitions and more. The OMHP helps us to work dependently and allows us to share resources with one another. These resources range from integrated support planning about what might be best for a particular service user, to combined training to allow for a consistent approach from staff across all our services, to having a passport assessment, meaning services users do not have to keep repeating their story as they move through the Partnership depending on their needs. Providing a coordinated approach allows us to deliver more effective and personalised support to our service users.
We are committed to providing the services that people need, making sure they are of the highest of quality. Through closer working, training, and development and by sharing resources, we are able to build on the specialist skills of our staff giving them the tools to provide the highest quality of care which our service users deserve. Our staff have been praised for how supportive, understanding and non-judgemental they are. enabling
“Oxfordshire has pioneered the model of outcomes based commissioning in mental health and should be congratulated for stepping out on an unknown and long road, for which no-one has a map.” — Centre for Mental Health, Review of Oxfordshire Mental Health Outcomes-Based Commissioning Contract, July 2019
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