Better housing, better health

Better housing, better health

Are you struggling with rising living costs due to fuel bills? Get practical advice on saving energy, accessing grants and financial support.

Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) is a longstanding service working to reduce the number of people in fuel poverty and improve domestic warmth & wellbeing.

It is coordinated by the National Energy Foundation but involves many other organisations across the following regions, with cross-referral mechanism in place to maximise the benefit to residents of each organisation’s field of expertise.

Their experienced team provides free, confidential, and tailored solutions to meet a home’s specific circumstances including switching energy suppliers, maximising income, signing up to the Priority Services Register, and accessing funding to help support them.

In a preventative approach to health and wellbeing, our service provides residents with a single point of contact to get impartial expert advice to help improve the energy efficiency of their home, save money and improve comfort.

This is a free service, supported by Oxfordshire County Council. Find out more by phoning 0800 107 0044 or on their website

Published: 11 November 2022