Personality disorders and PTSD

Who is involved in our studies?

Personality is a way of describing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. There can be changes to these depending on the situation, environment, or the people we are with.

Personality disorder refers to having difficulties in how you may interact with yourself and other people, struggling to cope most days to a level where it has a large impact on your life. These difficulties are not caused by a medical condition substance and often start in childhood or adolescence.

There are several different personality disorders, they include but not limited to.

Emotional Personality Disorder

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a Mental Health Condition that can occur after distressing events, these events can be experienced or witnessed.

Someone with PTSD will often have flashbacks or nightmares which cause them to re-experience the event(s). In addition they may struggle with mood, cognition, sleep and may feel inclined to isolate themselves. These symptoms can have a severe impact on the person’s life.

In Oxford Health, researchers are interested in learning more about the causes of personality disorders and PTSD in aim of developing better treatments. Researchers are also interested in learning more about how we may be able to prevent or to treat through early identification.

Current research

We have a verity of different studies.  Some involve a questionnaires, some involve a therapy and some involve taking a medication.  Some  take place in our research clinics, in a clinical team base or sometimes they can take place in your home.

  We are sometimes able to contact people directly about research, or get referrals from clinical teams. We are always appreciate hearing from people who are interested in getting involved.

Current Studies


Principle Investigator: Stephanie Byrne- Head Of Recovery College

Objective: Exploring the impact of Recovery Colleges on student outcomes and factors which affect these such as effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Recovery Colleges.



Key contacts

There are many opportunities to become involved in research at Oxford Health if you experience a personality disorder. If you are interested in taking part, please contact us on: for further information on our current research opportunities.

Previous research studies

You can find more information on previous research studies here.

Page last reviewed: 19 December, 2024