Carers, supporters and relatives

Who is involved in our studies?

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

Many carers don’t see themselves as carers and it takes them an average of two years to acknowledge their role as a carer (NHS website: Understanding Carers).

We often ask a study partner to take part in research alongside the participant.  This person can be a friend or family member who knows the participant well.

Additionally, we sometimes run studies where the friend or family member is the only participant.  Examples of this would be a study exploring friends/relatives perspectives, or interventions focussing on carers’ wellbeing.

Current research

Every study is different.  Some involve a questionnaire and some involve a therapy.  Some studies take place at home and some take place in our research clinics.

We always appreciate hearing from people who are interested in getting involved in our studies.

Current Studies

These studies are currently open to new participants:

iACT4CARERS: Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia.

For details of studies that involve carers, supporters and relatives as study partners, please see the research area that most closely relates to the person you are supporting.


These studies have completed the recruitment phase.  The people who signed up continue to be involved in study interventions/ assessments:

Continuing Compassion in Care (CCiC): Designing and testing a tool to measure experiences of compassion of family and  friends caring for someone living with dementia or memory problems 

Key contacts

For studies that relate to memory or dementia, please contact:


Phone: 01865 902 694

For studies that relate to mental health, please email:

Previous research studies

Previous studies

The ADAPT Study: The South Asian Dementia Diagnosis Pathway: An Online Toolkit. Health and social care professionals who work with south Asian families affected by dementia joined online workshops to develop the toolkit to help health professionals improve the diagnosis process.

ELPAS: Experiencing loss and planning ahead study: caring for a relative or friend with dementia – exploring how they manage the emotional aspects of caring for someone living with dementia and how they prepare for future end of life care.

Page last reviewed: 19 March, 2024