What we do
Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) are a dedicated team of highly skilled professionals who deliver vaccinations to children aged 5-16yrs (Reception to Year 11) in schools and community venues across Oxfordshire.
We are very experienced in giving vaccinations to children who may be anxious, worried or who may have additional needs and we will work with parent/carers to enable their children to receive the best care possible and achieve the best outcome.
We are commissioned by NHS England and Improvement to deliver the school aged immunisation programme and we work closely with schools and parents/carers to ensure vaccinations for young people are delivered at the correct time.
Children who are receiving their education at home will be offered vaccinations at a community-based clinic. These clinics are held at different locations across the County and run concurrently with those offered in school.
Page last reviewed: 7 September, 2022