Webinars & Talks

LiSHoRe project webinars

The LiSHoRe Project team organised a series of six webinars in late 2021 – early 2022, free and accessible to all, on topics relating to psychospiritual care for NHS staff. Speakers were all high-profile experts in the field bringing presentations, discussions, and practical tips to explore and respond to psychospiritual needs.

Older webinars

  • Planning for the future in Dementia Care (17 Feb 2021)
  • Breath in the time of Covid (3 Feb 2021)
  • Brushing Up on Oral Care (25 Nov 2020)
  • Two Perspectives on Dementia (11 Nov 2020)
  • Tai Chi for complex conditions (21 May 2020)
  • Well-being and Self-Care (23 April 2020)
  • Being with Dying (14 April 2020)
  • Breathing: a tool for self-regulation and self-care (31 March 2020)
  • Psychological support

Page last reviewed: 16 September, 2024