CAMHS Tier 4
Thames Valley CAMHS Tier 4 Provider Collaborative
A new model for the delivery of specialised mental health care for Children & Young People.
Who we are
We are a group of providers of specialist services working together, on an agreed footprint to:
- deliver excellent care services
- share approaches, pathways, resources and clinical expertise
for the benefit of some of the most vulnerable of our children and young people.
“This pioneering approach is built on the importance of local clinical leadership, co-production and systems leadership. Groups of providers of specialised services work as a partnership with pooled budgets and take responsibility for designing and delivering specialised services for their local population.”
Our aims
- To jointly commission high quality, seamless pathways for those children and young people who may require inpatient care
- Improved provision of care closer to home through reduced out of area placements
- Improved clinical outcomes and reduced length of stay for children and young people
- Improve the patient experience, making sure we involve people in service review design and review design, and listen to their views
- Improve the quality of care & and experience for young people and families
- Work as a system, redesigning our services to fit the needs of people
This is an important change in the way services are planned, funded and provided. It means that people who use these services and the clinicians, in partnership, will have greater influence and involvement.
This, in turn, will mean that the Provider Collaborative reinvests funding into improved community services and care pathways for people and their families.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is the lead provider of this local network, working in partnership to deliver high quality services with:
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Non-urgent advice: Learn more
Find out more about the NHS-led provider collaboratives:
Page last reviewed: 20 September, 2023